후열처리 공정이 에어로졸 증착법에 의해 제조된 PMN-PZT 막의 미세구조와 전기적 특성에 미치는 영향 |
한병동, 고관호1, 박동수, 최종진, 윤운하, 박찬1, 김도연2 |
한국기계연구원 재료기술연구소 미래기술연구부 1부경대학교 신소재공학부 2서울대학교 재료공학부 |
Effect of Post-Annealing on the Microstructure and Electrical Properties of PMN-PZT Films Prepared by Aerosol Deposition Process |
Byung-Dong Hahn, Kwang-Ho Ko1, Dong-Soo Park, Jong-Jin Choi, Woon-Ha Yoon, Chan Park1, Doh-Yeon Kim2 |
Department of Future Technology, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials 1Division of Materials Science and Engineering, Pukyong National University 2School of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University |
PMN-PZT films with thickness of $5;{mu}m$ were deposited on $Pt/Ti/SiO_2/Si$ substrate at room temperature using aerosol deposition process. The films showed fairly dense microstructure without any crack. XRD and TEM analysis revealed that the films consisted of randomly oriented nanocrystalline and amorphous phases. Post-annealing process was employed to induce crystallization and grain growth of the as-deposited films and to improve the electrical properties. The annealed film showed markedly improved electrical properties in comparison with as-deposited film. The film after annealing at $700^{circ}C$ for 1h exhibited the best electrical properties. Dielectric constant $(varepsilon_r)$, remanent polarization $(P_r)$ and piezoelectric constant $(d_{33})$ were 1050, $13;{mu}C/cm^2$ and 120 pC/N, respectively. |
Key words:
PMN-PZT films, Aerosol deposition process, Post-annealing process, Electrical Properties |