연소합성을 이용한 저온형 고체산화물 연료전지용 나노구조 세리아계 전해질 제조 |
조승환, 김종호, 김도경 |
한국과학기술원 신소재공학과 |
Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Ceria for IT-SOFC by Glycine Nitrate Combustion Process |
Seung-Hwan Jo, Jong-Ho Kim, Do-Kyung Kim |
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Gadolinia-doped ceria nanopowder was prepared by glycine-nitrate combustion method with different glycine/nitrate mixing ratio. The characteristics of the synthesized powder were investigated by X-ray diffraction method, transmission electron microscopy, thermal gravity, differential thermal analysis and thermo-mechanical analysis. The smallest powder was obtained with glycine/nitrate ratio 1.00 and the lowest organic and water vapor contained powder was made with glycine/nitrate ratio 1.75. According to dilatometry, fast densification was occurred around $1000^{circ}C$ and shows full density over $1300^{circ}C$. Finally near-fully dense ceria electrolyte was fabricated with conventional sintering technique. Glycine-nitrate process yields fine nanopowders which enable low temperature sintering and fabrication of fully dense and nanostructured oxide electrolyte. |
Key words:
SOFC, GNP, GDC, Nanocrystalline, Nanoparticle, Consolidation |