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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 42(11); 2005 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2005;42(11): 749.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2005.42.11.749
외부전계 인가에 의한 조화용융조성 LiNbO3 결정의 주기적 분극반전
권순우, 양우석1, 이형만1, 김우경1, 이한영1, 윤대호2, 송요승
한국항공대학교 항공재료공학과
1전자부품연구원 나노바이오포토닉스팀
2성균관대학교 신소재공학과
Congruent LiNbO3 Crystal Periodically Poled by Applying External Field
Soon-Woo Kwon, Woo-Seok Yang1, Hyung-Man Lee1, Woo-Kyung Kim1, Han-Young Lee1, Dae-Ho Yoon2, Yo-Seung Song
Department of Materials Engineering, Hankuk Aviation University
1Nano Bio-Photonics Team, Korea Electronics Technology Institute
2Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
When an electric field higher than a characteristic coercive field is applied to a ferroelectric such as $LiNbO_3$, the orientation of the spontaneous polarization is reversed, which causes the reversal of the sign of odd-rank tensor properties such as electro-optic and nonlinear optic coefficients. A fabrication process of insulator and periodic external field assisted poling of a z-cut $LiNbO_3$ have been optimized for a periodic $180^{circ}$ phase inversion along z-axis. The poling jig and the poling control system, fully controlled by a computer, for high quality and reproducible PPLN fabrication have been devised. Periodically polarization reversed PPLN was adjusted based on the fabricated thickness of insulator. The poling structure of PPLN was observed under a microscope after etching PPLN samples by an etching solution ($HF:HNO_3$ = 1 : 2) for about 15 min.
Key words: PPLN, Etching solution, Duty cycle, Nonlinear optic
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