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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 42(7); 2005 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2005;42(7): 521.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2005.42.7.521
2차원 ZnO 나노벽 구조 제조
김영정, Guozhong Cao1, 김영철2, 안승준3, 민준원4
선문대학교 재료시스템공학과
2한국기술교육대학교 신소재공학과
3선문대학교 신소재과학과
Fabrication of 2-Dimensional ZnO Nanowall Structure
Young-Jung Kim, Guozhong Cao1, Yeong-Cheol Kim2, Seung-Joon Ahn3, Joon-Won Min4
Department of Materials Systems Engineering, Sun Moon University
1Department of Materials Science and Engineering University of Washington
2Department of Materials Engineering, Korea University of Technology and Education
3Department of Physics, Sun Moon University
ZnO 2-D nanowall structure with around 100 nm thickness, which is composed of tens of nm scale ZnO single crystals, was fabricated through the low temperature chemical solution growth method. Electro Chemical Deposition (ECD) technique was applied to attach the ZnO seed crystals on ITO coated glass substrate. The ZnO nanowall structure was grown in the 0.015 mol$%$ of aqueous solution of zinc nitrate and hexamethenamine at 60$^{circ}C$ for 20 - 40 h. The nanowall structure depends on the ECD condition or the applied voltage and duration time. The nanowall shows a photoluminescence around 550 - 700 nm spectrum range.
Key words: ZnO nanowall, Electro chemical deposition, Low temperature chemical solution growth
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