Sol-Gel 법으로 제작한 Zn1-xCoxO 박박의 미세조직 및 자기적 특성 |
고윤덕, 태원필1, 김응권2, 김기출3, 최춘기3, 김종민, 송준태2, 박태석, 서수정, 김용성 |
성균관대학교 정보통신용 신기능성 소재 및 공정연구센터 1울산산업진흥테크노파크 정밀화학센터 2성균관대학교 정보통신공학부 3한국전자통신연구원 |
Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Zn1-xCoxO Thin Films Grown by Sol-Gel Process |
Yoon-Duk Ko, Weon-Pil Tai1, Eung-Kwon Kim2, Ki-Chul Kim3, Choon-Gi Choi3, Jong-Min Kim, Joon-Tae Song2, Tae-Seok Park, Su-Jeung Suh, Young-Sung Kim |
Advanced Material Process of Information Technology, Sungkyunkwan University 1Fine Chemical Industry Support Center, Ulsan Industry, Promotion Techno Park 2Department of Information and Communication, Sungkyunkwan University 3Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |
Zn$_{l-x}$Co$_{x}$O (x = 0.05 - 0.20) films were grown on Coming 7059 glass by sol-gel process. A homogeneous and stable Zn$_{l-x}$Co$_{x}$O sol was prepared by dissolving zinc acetate dihydrate (Zn(CH$_{3}$COO)$_{2}$$cdot$2H$_{2}$O), cobalt acetate tetrahydrate ((CH$_{3}$)$_{2}$$cdot$CHOH) and aluminium chloride hexahydrate (AlCl$_{3}$ $cdot$ 6H$_{2}$O) as solute in solution of isopropanol ((CH$_{3}$)$_{2}$$cdot$CHOH) and monoethanolamine (MEA:H$_{2}$NCH$_{2}$CH$_{2}$OH). The films grown by spin coating method were postheated in air at 650 |
Key words:
Sol-gel, ZnCoO thin film, Spintronics, Dilute magnetic semiconductor |