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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 42(5); 2005 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2005;42(5): 319.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2005.42.5.319
기계적 혼합과 고상법에 의한 LiNiO2의 합성과 전기화학적 특성
김훈욱, 윤순도1, 이재천1, 박혜령1, 송명엽
전북대학교 신소재공학부
1전남대학교 응용화학공학부
Study on the Synthesis by Milling and Solid-State Reaction Method and Electrochemical Properties of LiNiO2
Hunuk Kim, SunDo Youn1, Jaecheon Lee1, HyeRyoung Park1, Myoungyaup Song
Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, Research Center of Industrial Technology, Engineering Research Institute, Chonbuk National University
1Division of Applied Chemical Engineering, Chonnam National University
[ $LiNiO_2$ ] was synthesized by the solid-state method after mixing $LiOH{cdot}H_2O$ and $Ni(OH)_2$ with SPEX mill. The optimum condition for the synthesis of $LiNiO_2$ was the calcination at $750^{circ}C$ for 30h in $O_2$ stream after milling for 1 h. The $LiNiO_2$ synthesized under this condition showed relatively large value of $I_{003}/I_{104}$ and relatively small value of R-factor. When $LiNiO_2$ was cycled in 2.7$~$4.15 V at 0.1C-rate, the first discharge capacity was not very large (145.8 mAh/g) but it showed good cycling performance. When $LiNiO_2$ was cycled in 2.7$~$4.2 V at 0.1C-rate, the first discharge capacity was large but ,it showed poor cycling performance probably because of the transition of H2 hexagonal structure to H3 hexagonal structure. In addition, when $LiNiO_2$ was cycled in 1.0$~$4.8 V at 1/24C- rate, the first discharge capacity was very large (257.7 mAh/g) and the discharge capacity increased with the number of cycles.
Key words: Milling, Solid-state reaction method, Electrochemical properties, R-factor
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