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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 42(5); 2005 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2005;42(5): 333.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2005.42.5.333
졸-겔 합성에서 pH 및 건조온도가 Zn2SiO4:Mn,Al 녹색 형광체의 발광특성에 미치는 영향
성부용, 한정화1, 박희동
한국화학연구원 화학소재부
1한라대학교 신소재공학과
Effect of pH and Drying Temperature on Luminescent Properties of Zn2SiO4:Mn,Al Green Phosphors by Sol-Gel Technique
Bu-Yong Sung, Cheong-Hwa Han1, Hee-Dong Park
Advanced Materials Division, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology
1Department of New Material Engineering, Halla University
In order to improve the performance of green emitting phosphors for plasma display panel, the $Zn_2SiO_4:Mn,Al$ phosphors were synthesized using sol-gel technique and studied using SEM and VUV photoluminescence spectrometer. pH values of the starting solutions (pH = 0.5$~$2.34) were controled by HCl as the catalysis of hydrolysis and wet gels were dried at $80^{circ}C$ and $120^{circ}C$, respectively. We investigated the effects of pH and drying temperatures during sol-gel processes. The results indicated that the phosphor prepared at pH = 1 showed the maximum emission intensity in both drying conditions and the effect of pH of the starting solution on morphology were increased with particle size as HCl and phosphor dried at high temperature showed more spherical and smaller particles than at low.
Key words: Phosphor, pH, Drying temperature
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