폐유리를 재활용한 타일 제조 및 물리적 특성 |
김영길, 정연길, 송준백1, 신민철1, 이희수1 |
창원대학교 세라믹공학과 1산업기술시험원 재료평가팀 |
Fabrication and Physical Properties of Tiles Recycled Waste Glass |
Young-Kil Kim, Yeon-Gil Jung, Jun-Baek Song1, Min-Chul Shin1, Hee-Soo Lee1 |
Department of Ceramic Science and Engineering, Changwon National University 1Material Testing Team, Korea Testing Laboratory |
Wall and floor tiles were fabricated by a dry pressing method using waste glass and clay. The physical properties of the tiles such as absorption, bulk density, porosity, compressive strength, and abrasion loss are investigated with the firing temperature and glass contents. The physical properties are improved with increasing the firing temperature and glass contents. The composition containing the glass of $70 wt%$ and fired at $1050^{circ}C$ for 2 h has the good properties. The optimal properties obtained in the tiles are the water absorprion of about $0.9%$, the bulk density of about $2.3;g/cm^3$, the apparent porosity of about $2.1 %$, the compressive strength of about 210 MPa, and the abrasion loss of about 0.022 g, when the composition containing the glass of $70;wt%$ is fired at $1050^{circ}C$. The physical proper1ies of tiles fabricated were enhanced compared to the commercial clay tiles, due to easy melting and densification of glassy phase during the firing process. |
Key words:
Waste glass, Recycle, Tile |