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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 42(1); 2005 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2005;42(1): 69.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2005.42.1.069
희석제 입도가 고온자전연소법에 의한 질화알루미늄 합성에 미치는 영향
이재령, 이익규, 신희영, 정헌생
한국지질자원연구원 자원활용소재연구부
Effect of Diluent Size on Aluminum Nitride Prepared by Using Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis Process
Jae-Ryeong Lee, Ik-Kyu Lee, Hee-Young Shin, Hun-Saeng Chung
Minerals and Materials Processing Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
To investigate the morphological effect on synthesis of aluminum nitride by SHS Process, two type of Al Powder (granular and flacky shape) with the mean size of 34 $mu$m and the diluent AIN powders of four different mean sizes.0.12, 9.7, 39.3, 50.5 $mu$m, were used to prepare green compact. The packing density was fixed to $35 TD%. The initial pressure of $N_{2}$ and diluent fraction was varied in the range of $1~10 MPa,;0.4~0.7$, respectively. AlN with high purity of $98% or over and large particle size of about several tens fm can be synthesized by SHS reaction as a consequence of adjusting particle size of AlN dilutent similarly to that of Al reactant. This may be caused by improvement of $N_{2}$ gas permeation to compact after passing the propagation wave. In the case of flaky-shape aluminum used as reactant, instead of granular Al-powder, unstable combustion would be occurred. As the result, irregular propagation of combustion wave and falling-off of maximum temperature would be observed during the reaction.
Key words: SHS method, Diluent size, Reactant shape, AIN
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