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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 41(12); 2004 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2004;41(12): 907.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2004.41.12.907
용융염계에서 자전연소합성법에 의한 α-Si3N4 분말의 제조 (Part 3. 반응기구)
윤기석, 양범석, 박영철, 원창환
충남대학교 급속응고센터
Preparation of α-Si3N4 Powder, in Reaction System Containing Molten Salt, by SHS (Part 3. Reaction Mechanism)
Ki-Seok Yun, Beom-Seok Yang, Young-Cheol Park, Chang-Whan Won
Rapidly Solidified Materials Research Center, Chungnam National University
The nitridation mechanism of Si by SHS at $Si-NaCl-NH_{4}Cl-NaN_3$ system was investigated in this work. It was revealed that NaCl as a diluent was helpful to the perfect nitridation reaction by retarding the growth of Si particle resulted from the melting of Si at the initial stage of the nitridation reaction. And $NH_{4}Cl;and;NaN_3$ formed NaCl through decomposition and combination, and the preheating of pellet was helpful to the nitridation reaction in this process. The main nitridation mechanism of this system was liquid-gas reaction. The optimum porosity of the pellet for the nitridation of ${alpha}-Si_{3}N_4$ was $67-69%$.
Key words: NaCl, Nitridation mechanism, Diluent , Porosity
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