Ba 첨가 LaBaGaO4 층상 Perovskite의 생성상과 전기전도도 |
이규형, 김종화1, 김혜림1, 김신2, 이홍림 |
연세대학교 세라믹공학과 1연세대학교 세라믹공학 2(주)새빛 생산기술연구 |
Phase Formation and Electrical Conductivity of Ba-Doped LaBaGaO4 Layered Perovskite |
Phase formation and electrical conduction behavior of Ba-doped LaBaGa $O_4$ layered perovskite were studied. Orthorhombic single phase of $K_2$Ni $F_4$-type structure was observed for the composition range of 0$leq$x$leq$0.2 in the La$_$1+x/Ba$_$1+x/Ga $O_4$$_$4-$delta$/ system by X-ray analysis. In the dry atmosphere, La$_$0.8/Ba$_$1.2/Ga$_$3.9/ exhibited mixed conduction of oxygen ion and hole (p-type) at high p( $O_2$). However, in water vapor containing atmosphere, it showed proton conduction due to the incorporation of water into oxygen vacancies. As the temperature decreased, the contribution of proton conductivity to the total conduction increased and proton conduction was dominant below 350$^{circ}C$. The activation energy for proton conduction was calculated as 0.72 eV. |
Key words:
Layered perovskite, $K_2$N$iF_4$-type structure, Oxygen ion conduction, Hole(p-type) conduction, Proton conduction |