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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 41(1); 2004 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2004;41(1): 13.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2004.41.1.013
Self-patterning Technique of Photosensitive La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 Electrode on Ferroelectric Sr0.9Bi2.1Ta2O9 Thin Films
Jong-Chun Lim, Tae-Young Lim1, Keun-Ho Auh2, Won-Kyu Park3, Byong-Ho Kim
Department of Materials Seience and Engineering, Korea University
1Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology (KICET)
2department of Ceramic Engineering, Hanyang University
3Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, Paichai University
$La_{0.5}Sr_{0.5}CoO_3$ (LSCO) electrodes were prepared on ferroelectric $Sr_{0.9}Bi_{2.1}Ta_2O_9$(SBT) thin films by spin coating method using photosensitive sol-gel solution. Self-patterning technique of photosensitive sol-gel solution has advantages such as simple manufacturing process compared to photoresist/dry etching process. Lanthanum(III) 2-methoxyethoxide, Stronitium diethoxide. Cobalu(II)2-methoxyethoxide were used as starting materials for LSCO electrode. UV irradiation on LSCO thin films lead to decrease solubility by M-O-M bond formation and the solubility difference allows us to obtain self-patternine. There was little composition change of the LSCO thin films between before leaching and after leaching in 2-methoxyethanol. The lowest resistivity of LSCO thin films deposited on $SiO_2$/Si substrate was $1.1{times}10^{-2}{Omega}cm$ when the thin film was ennealed at $740^{circ}C$. The values of Pr/Ps and 2Pr of LSCO/SBT/Pt capacitor on the applied voltage of 5V were 0.51, 8.89 ${mu}C/cm^2$, respectively.
Key words: Self-patterning, Photosensitve, SBT, LSCO, Sol-gel solution
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