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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 41(2); 2004 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2004;41(2): 102.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2004.41.2.102
Transparent Conducting Zinc-Indium Oxides Thin Films by an Electron Beam Evaporation Method
Choon-Ho Lee, Sun-Il Kim
Department of Materials Engineering, College of Engineering, Keimyung University
ZnO-In$_2$O$_3$ films were fabricated on Corning 1737 glass substrate by an electron beam evaporation technique and their characteristics were investigated. The composition of ZnO-In$_2$O$_3$ films had a marked effect on the electrical properties of the films. The ZnO-In$_2$O$_3$ films showed superior transparent-conducting characteristics with increase of Zn content. The resistivity and carrier concentration of the film having Zn content of 45 at% are 4.45${times}$10$^{-3}$ cm and 3.1${times}$10$^{19}$ cm$^{-3}$ , respectively. Also, the transmittance was higher than 80% throughout the visible range. The average roughness of the film was 14.6 $AA$ in terms of root mean square.
Key words: $ZnO-In_2$$O_3$ film, Electron beam evaporation, Resistivity, Carrier concentration, Transmittance
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