TiB2코팅이 함침법으로 제조되는 B4C/Al 복합체의 기계적 특성에 미치는 영향 |
김선혜, 임경란, 심광보1, 김창삼 |
한국과학기술연구원 재료연구부 1한양대학교 세라믹공학과 |
Effect of TiB2 Coating on the Mechanical Properties of B4C/Al Composites Prepared by Infiltration Process |
The mechanical properties of B$_4$C/Al composites normally depend on the species and quantity of reaction products between B$_4$C and Al and then the control of reaction products is necessary to make desirable composites for lightweight advanced or armor materials. TiB$_2$ is chemically inert with aluminum and has a lower contact angle (85$^{circ}$ at 100$0^{circ}C$) to liquid aluminum than B$_4$C. Thus, TiB$_2$ coating on B$_4$C may lower infiltration temperature of aluminum when the B$_4$C/Al composites is fabricated by infiltration process. In this study, the effects of TiB$_2$ on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the B$_4$C/Al composites have been investigated. TiB$_2$ coated B$_4$C powder was prepared using the sol-gel technique. It was found that the B$_4$C surface is homogeneously covered with TiB$_2$ having a particles size of 20-50 nm. While the B$_4$C/Al composites prepared by infiltration after TiB$_2$ coating had 17 wt% of unreacted Al, on the other hand, the B$_4$C/Al composites without coating included 14 wt% of Al. As a result, the composites infiltrated after the coating showed higher fracture toughness and lower hardness. This strongly suggests that TiB$_2$ not only lowers the infiltration temperature, but also inhibits the reaction between B$_4$C and Al. |
Key words:
$B_4$C/Al composite, $TiB_2$, Infiltration, Hardness, Fracture toughness |