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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 40(5); 2003 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2003;40(5): 428.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2003.40.5.428
Zr치환에 따른 YIG계 페라이트의 자기적 특성 연구
양승진, 윤종남1, 김정식
서울시립대학교 신소재공학과
A Study on the Magnetic Properties of YIG Ferrites with Zr-Substitution
In this study, we investigated the variation of microstructural and electromagnetic properties of YIG ferrites for Isolator/Circulator application with the sintering temperature and Zr addition. The composition of the ferrites was Y$_{2.1}$Ca$_{0.9}$Fe$_{4.4-x}$V$_{0.5}$In$_{0.05}$Al$_{0.05}$Zr$_{x}$O$_{12}$ with x=0, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2. The YIG ferrites were prepared by the conventional ceramic sintering process. The Zr-substituted YIG ferrite, Y$_{2.1}$ Ca$_{0.9}$Fe$_{4.4-x}$V$_{0.5}$In$_{0.05}$Al$_{0.05}$ Zr$_{x}$O$_{12}$ showed the highest saturation magnetization (1097 gauss) at x=0.1. The microwave properties were shown as isolation of 18.60 dB and insertion loss of 0.45 dB at x=0.2. Additionally, Zr-substitution was effective in decreasing ferromagnetic resonance linewidth with Zr content.
Key words: YIG, Magnetic property, Microwave ferrite, Ferromagnetic resonance
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