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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 40(2); 2003 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2003;40(2): 206.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2003.40.2.206
MFS 구조로 적층된 Yttrium Manganates의 기판 변화에 따른 특성 연구
경기대학교 첨단산업공학부 신소재공학전공
Properties of Yttrium Manganates with MFS Structure Fabricated on Various Substates
Effects of substrates and buffer layer upon the formation of crystalline phases and ferroelectricity of $YMnO_3$ thin films were investigated. The hexagonal $YMnO_3$ was easily formed on Si(100) while the mixed phases, hexagonal and orthorhombic $YMnO_3$, on $Pt(111)/TiO_2/SiO_2/Si$ substrate. When the $Y_2O_3$ buffer layer of 70 nm thick was inserted between the substrates and the $YMnO_3,$ the c-axis oriented hexagonal single phase formed on both substrates, Si(100) and $Pt(111)/TiO_2/SiO_2/Si$. The leakage current density of the hexagonal $YMnO_3$ thin films was lower than that consisting of mixed phases, hexagonal and orthorhombic. Furthermore the hexagonal $YMnO_3$ with c-axis preferred orientation showed the lowest leakage current density. The remnant polarization from a P-E hysteresis curve for the $YMnO_3$ formed on Si(100) was 0.14 without buffer layer and $0.24_{mu}C/cm^2$ for that with buffer layer. For the $Pt(111)/TiO_3/SiO_3/Si$ substrates, the specimen without $Y_2O_3$buffer layer did not show the hysteresis curve, while the buffer-layered has the remnant polarization of $1.14_{mu}C/cm^2$. It was concluded that the leakage current density and the ferroelectricity for the $YMnO_3$ thin films could be controlled by varying crystalline phases and their preferred orientation which depend on the kind of substrates and whether the $Y_2O_3$buffer layer exist or not.
Key words: MFS, $YMnO_3$thin films, Hexagonal, Substrates, ${Y_2}{O_3}$buffer layer, Ferroelectricity, Sol-gel
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