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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 40(1); 2003 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2003;40(1): 5.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2003.40.1.005
Effect of the Sintering Temperature on Electrical Properties of Porous Barium-strontium Titanate Ceramics
Jun-Gyu Kim, Jae-Hwang Sim1, Won-Seung Cho1
Institute of Advanced Materials, Inha University
1School of Materials Science and Engineering, Inha University
Porous barium-strontium titanate ceramics were fabricated by adding corn- or potato-starch (are referred to as starch). The effect of sintering temperature on the microstructure and electrical properties of the porous ceramics was investigated. The room-temperature electrical resistivity of the barium-strontium titanate ceramics decreased with sintering temperature. The porosity and pore size were decreased and the grain size was increased with increasing the sintering temperature. The porosity and grain size of the barium-strontium titanate ceramics with corn-starch sintered at 1300 and 1450$^{circ}C$ were 28.5, 22.6% and 3.2, 6.2 $mutextrm{m}$, respectively. The average pore sizes of the barium-strontium titanate ceramics with corn-starch sintered at 1300, 1400 and 1450$^{circ}C$ were 0.5, 0.3 and 0.2 $mutextrm{m}$, respectively. The decrease in the room-temperature resistivity with increasing sintering temperature is attributed mainly due to the increase of grain size and the decrease of the electrical barrier height of grain boundaries as well as the partial decrease of porosity.
Key words: Porous barium-strontium titanate ceramics, PTCR, Electrical property, Sintering temperature, Starch
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