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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 40(1); 2003 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2003;40(1): 18.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2003.40.1.018
고압 자전 고온반응 합성법에 의한 B4C-Al2O3복합분말 제조
임경란, 강덕일, 김창삼
한국과학기술연구원 재료연구부
Preparation of B4C-Al2O3 Composite Powder by Self-propagation High-temperature Synthesis(SHS) Process under High Pressure
Composite powder of$B_4C-A1_2O_3$was prepared from a mixed powder of$B_2O_3/A1/C$by SHS under argon pressure instead of using a chemical furnace. A mixture of$B_2O_3,$Al and C powder (equivalent amounts to the reaction,$2B_2O_3+4A1+C=B_4C+2A1_2O_3)$was ball milled for 2 h. The mixed powder was placed in a SHS reactor and filled with 10 atm of argon gas and ignited. The inner and outer products were the same by XRD analysis. It was consisted of a composite powder of$B_4C-A1_2O_3$without $AlB_{12}/C_2$which was always produced using a chemical furnace. The composite powder was about$60~100{mu}m$size which was composed of crystalline particles of about 0.3~l${mu}m$size. But when 15 atm of argon was employed, partial sintering took place to give rise hard composite powder of$15~25{mu}m$$B_4C$with $0.1~0.2{mu}m$$A1_2O_3.$
Key words: SHS, Composite powder, ${B_4}C-{Al_2}{O_3}$, High-pressure argon
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