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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 39(10); 2002 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2002;39(10): 919.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2002.39.10.919
이중 기공구조를 갖는 다공질체의 제조
윤중열, 김해두, 박천홍1
한국기계연구원 세라믹재료그룹
1한국기계연구원 공작기계그룹
Fabrication of Double-layered Porous Materials
Jung-Yeul Yun, Hai-Doo Kim, Chun-Hong Park1
Ceramic Materials Group, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
1Machine Tools Group, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
In order to fabricate double-layered porous materials powders of different particle sizes were pressed stepwise. Ford's equation which predicts the fired density with the change in pressed density was employed in order to adjust the difference in sintering shrinkage of the green body with double-layered porous structure. Double-layered porous materials were characterized by investigating microstructures and permeability. SEM micrographs showed the distinct difference in pore sizes of double-layered porous material. Permeability of single-layered porous material increased by increasing the starting particle sizes and porosity as well. Permeability of the double-layered porous material depends largely on the layer of small pore diameter.
Key words: Double-layered porous materials, Permeability, Shrinkage, Pore size
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