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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 39(11); 2002 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2002;39(11): 1017.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2002.39.11.1017
(Ba1-xCax)(Ti1-yZry)O3 Powder Synthesis Via Hydrothermal Treatment
Byung-Hyun Park, Kyoon Choi, Eui-Seok Choi, Jong-Hee Kim1
Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology
1Samsung Electro-Mechanics
$(Ba_{1-x}Ca_x)(Ti_{1-y}Zr_y)O_3(BCTZ)$ powders for the Ni-electrode Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor(MLCC) were synthesized via hydrothermal treatment using mixed aqueous solutions of $BaCl_2{cdot}2H_2O,Ca(NO_3)2{cdot}4H_2O, ZrOCl_2{cdot}8H_2O$ and $TiCl_4$. Two component and three component systems were also extensively studied for basic data. BT, CT and BZ powders were crystalline but CZ was determined to be amorphous under the same synthetic condition. In BTZ system, Zr and Ti were completely soluble and Ca would be substituted for Ba up to ∼6 mol% in BCT. The submicron-sized $(Ba_{0.95}Ca_{0.05})(Ti_{0.80}Zr_{0.20})O_3$ powder of the target composition was successfully synthesized at $150{circ}$ for 12h.蜁㤋돀邰ﶖ⨀塨
Key words: $BaTiO_3$, Powder synthesis, Hydrothermal treatment, MLCC
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