용융침투법으로 제조한 인공치관용 스피넬/지르코니아-유리 복합체의 기계적 특성에 미치는 지르코니아 첨가효과 |
이득용, 김병수1, 장주웅1, 이명현2, 박일석3, 김대준3 |
대림대학 재료정보학과 1(주)우리동명 치과재료연구소 2KICET 신소재분석평가팀 3KIST 복합기능세라믹센터 |
Effect of Zirconia Addition on Mechanical Properties of Spinel/Zirconia-glass Dental Crown Composites Prepared by Melt-infiltration |
Deuk-Yong Lee, Byung-Soo Kim1, Joo-Wung Jang1, Myung-Hyun Lee2, Il-Seok Park3, Dae-Joon Kim3 |
Department of Materials Engineering, Daelim College of Technology 1Dental Material Research Center, We DongMyung Co., Ltd. 2Advanced Materials Analysis and Evaluation Team, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology 3Multifunctional Ceramics Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology |
Spinel/zirconia-glass composites prepared by melt-infiltration were fabricated to investigate the effect of zirconia addition on mechanical and optical properties of the composites. The infiltration distance was parabolic with respect to time as described by the Washburn equation and the penetration rate constant, K, decreased due to the reduction in pore size as the amount of zirconia rose. Although the optimum strength(308 MPa) of the Spinel/zirconia-glass composites was observed when the zirconia was added up to 20 wt%, K and transmittance decreased as the zirconia content rose. In conclusion, it suggested that the positive effect of strength as a result of the addition of zirconia was not effective. |
Key words:
Spinel/Zirconia, Lanthanum-aluminosilicate glass, Melt-infiltration, Penetration Kinetic, Transmittance |