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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 39(11); 2002 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2002;39(11): 1035.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2002.39.11.1035
세라믹섬유지를 사용한 허니컴 흡착소자 제조 및 VOC 흡착특성
유윤종, 조철희, 김홍수, 안영수, 한문희, 장건익1
한국에너지기술연구원 기능소재연구센터
1충북대학교 재료공학과
Fabrication of Honeycomb Adsorbents by Using the Ceramic Paper and Adsorption Characteristics of VOC
Yoon-Jong Yoo, Churl-Hee Cho, Hong-Soo Kim, Young-Soo Ahn, Moon-Hee Han, Gun-Eik Jang1
Functional Materials Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research
1Department of Materials Engineering, Chungbuk National University
The adhesion characteristics of adsorbent during impregnation of Y-type and ZSM-5type zeolites into ceramic paper were analyzed, as the amount of silica sol in slurry for impregnation was varied. 31 wt% of zeolite particle, which is useful for VOC adsorption, was evenly dispersed and adhered on ceramic paper and original crystal structure of the zeolite remained unchanged even after binder application and heat treatment. Surface area of the impregnated ceramic paper was decreased compared with that of zeolite powder. And it was found to be attributed to the reduction of volume of mesopore while the volume of micropore under $20{AA}$ was unchanged. Zeolite-impregnated honeycomb cylinder, whose diameter and length were 10 cm and 40 cm, respectively, was subjected to adsorption/desorption test with respect to toluene, MEK, cyclohexanone. All of the VOC's were removed by adsorption with efficiency higher than 97% and from the static adsorption test, $42 Nm^3/h$ of 300 ppmv-VOC-laden air was calculated be treated continuously, when the honeycomb was used in an adsorptive rotor system.
Key words: Honeycomb adsorption rotor, VOC concentrator, Ceramic sheets, Honeycomb adsorbents
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