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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 39(11); 2002 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2002;39(11): 1023.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2002.39.11.1023
초임계 유체법에 의한 SrTiO3: Pr3+ 형광체 분말 제조 및 발광특성
최근묵, 홍석형, 임대영, 노준석1, 조승범1
배재대학교 재료공학과
1LG 화학기술연구원 신소재연구소
Preparation of SrTiO3: Pr3+ Phosphors Using Supercritical Fluid Method and its Luminescence Properties
Keun-Mook Choi, Seok-Hyoung Hong, Dae-Young Lim, Jun-Seok Nho1, Seung-Beom Cho1
Department of Materials Engineering, Paichai University
1Advanced Materials Research Institute, Research Park, LG chemical Ltd.
In this paper, we have prepared phase-pure $SrTiO_3:;Pr^{3+}$ phosphor powder by Supercritical Fluid Mixing using $Sr(OH)_2{cdot}8H_2O$ and $TiO_2$ powders as starting materials. Its luminescent properties were investigated in comparison with $SrTiO_3:;Pr^{3+}$ powders prepared by solid-state method with conventional mixing. $SrTiO_3:;Pr^{3+}$ phosphor powders by Supercritical Fluid Mixing have spherical shapes and narrow particle size distribution. We have investigated the luminescent properties of $SrTiO_3:;Pr^{3+}$ phosphor using $Al^{3+}$ and $Ga^{3+}$ as sensitizer.
Key words: Supercritical fluid method, Phosphor, $SrTiO_3:\, Pr^{3+}$
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