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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 39(12); 2002 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2002;39(12): 1190.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2002.39.12.1190
(1-x)BiNbO4-xCaNb2O6 세라믹스의 마이크파 유전특성 및 적층체 특성
김응수, 최웅, 김종대, 강승구, 심광보1
경기대학교 재료공학과
1한양대학교 세라믹공학과
Microwave Dielectric Properties and Multilayer Characteristics of (1-x)BiNbO4-xCaNb2O6 Ceramics
Eung Soo Kim, Woong Choi, Jong-Dae Kim, Seung-Gu Kang, Kwang-Bo Shim1
Department of Materials Engineering, Kyonggi University
1Department of Ceramic Engineering, Hanyang University
Microwave dielectric properties and multilayer characteristics $(1-x)BiNbO_4-xCaNb_2O_6$ (0${le}$x${le}$1.0) ceramics were investigated as a function of $CaNb_2O_6$ content. In the composition range of 0.25${le}$x${le}$0.75, the mixture phases of $BiNbO_4$ with stibotantalate structure and $CaNb_2O_6$ with columbite structure were detected and secondary phase or phase transition were not detected. Dielectric constant (K) of $(1-x)BiNbO_4-xCaNb_2O_6$ ceramics was largely dependent on the existing phase and could be estimated by the dielectric mixing rule calculated from maxwell equation. Typically, dielectric constant (K) of 26, quality factor (Qf) of 4300 GHz and Temperature Coefficient of resonant Frequency (TCF) of -18 ppm/${circ}C$ were obtained for $0.5BiNbO_4-0.5CaNb_2O_6$ specimens with 0.8 wt% $CuV_2O_6$ sintered at 1000${circ}C$ for 3h. The deviation of X-Y shrinkage and camber value of the multilayers obtained from $0.5BiNbO_4-0.5CaNb_2O_6$ green sheet sintered at 850∼950${circ}C$ for 20 min. were smaller than those of $BiNbO_4$ multilayers.
Key words: $(1-x)BiNbO_4-xCaNb_2O_6$, $CuV_2O_6$, Microwave dielectric properties, Multilayers, X-Y shrinkage, Camber value
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