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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 39(3); 2002 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2002;39(3): 222.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2002.39.3.222
Strain Analysis for Quality Factor oft he Layered Mg0.93Ca0.07TiO3-(Ca0.3Li0.14Sm0.42)TiO3 Ceramics at Microwave Frequencies
Joon-Yeob Cho, Ki-Hyun Yoon, Eung Soo Kim1
Department of Ceramic Engineering, Yonsei University
1Department of Materials Engineering, Kyonggi University
Microwave dielectric properties of the layered and functionally graded materials (FGMs) of $Mg_{0.93}Ca_{0.07}TiO_3$ (MCT) and $(Ca_{0.3}Li_{0.14}Sm_{0.42})TiO_3$(CLST) were investigated as a function of the volume ratio of two components. Dielectric constant was decreased with an increase of the volume ratio of MCT which had a lower dielectric constant thant CLST. For the layered FGMs specimens, the difference of thermal expansion coefficients between two components induced thermal strain to dielectric layers, which was confirmed by the plot of ${Delta}$k (X-ray diffraction peak width0 versus k (scattering vector) using the double-peak Lorentzian function, f(x). Quality factor of the specimens was affected by the thermal strain of dielectric layer, especially MCT layer. For the specimen with the volume ratio of MCT/CLST = 2, the qulaity factor of the specimen showed a minimum value due to the maximum thermal strain fo MCT layer.
Key words: $Mg_{0.93}Ca_{0.07}TiO_3$, $(Ca_{0.3}Li_{0.14}Sm_{0.42})TiO_3$, Quality factor, Thermal strain, Diffraction peak width ${\Delta}$k
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