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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 39(8); 2002 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2002;39(8): 775.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2002.39.8.775
습식 체분리법을 이용한 알루미나분말 중의 조대입자 함량평가
정상진, 임형미1, 이승인, 김영희, 김수룡, 조용익2
요업기술원 세라믹${\cdot}$건재부
1요업기술원 신기능재료부
2전남대학교 공업기술연구소
Measurement of Coarse Particle Mass in Alumina Powders Using Wet Sieve Method
Sang-Jin Jung, Hyung-Mi Lim1, Seung-In Lee, Young-Hee Kim, Soo-Ryong Kim, Yong-Ick Cho2
Building Materials Department, KICET
1New functional Materials Department, KICET
2Engineering Research Institute, Chonnam National University
The effects of solid and dispersant concentration was investigated by wet-sieving method for knowing the amount of coarse particle in fine powders. In the work alumina powders, sodium hexametaphosphate and sodium polyacrylate were used for preparing slurry. It was confirmed that the coarse particle mass increased by increasing alumina concentration and decreasing dispersant concentration. With systematic measurements we know that the alumina powder and dispersant of one weight percent(1.0wt%) were proper quantity for coarse particle mass measuring, respectively. Sodium polyacrylate as dispersant showed higher coarse particle mass than sodium hexametaphosphate. The sieve mass was decreased according to increase of experiment number. Based on experiments it was considered that wet-sieving method is good tool for measuring a coarse particle mass in fine powders.
Key words: Coarse particle, Wet-sieving, Slurry concentration, Dispersant
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