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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 38(11); 2001 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2001;38(11): 967.
산화우라늄의 결정구조 분석
김정석, 최용남1, 이창희1, 김시향2, 이영우2
호서대학교 신소재기계공학부 신소재공학전공
1한국원자력연구소 하나로센타 중성자물리실
2한국원자력연구소 핵연료가공팀
Crystal Structure Analysis of Uranium Oxides
The crystal and defect structures of U $O_{x}$(x=2.0, 2.03, 2.14, 2.19, 2.20 and 2.26) were analysed by rietveld refinement and the results were compared to the U-O phase diagram. Neutron diffraction data were collected in the temperature range of RT~100$0^{circ}C$. The specimens of x=2.14, 2.19, and 2.20 consisted of two phase: $UO_{2+x}$(Fm3m, a≒5.4$AA$) and $U_4$$O_{9}$(I43d, a≒21.8$AA$). The proportion of the $UO_{2+x}$(Fm3m) phase increased with increasing the temperature. The variation of the proportion of the two phases with temperature in the U $O_{2.2}$ and U $O_{2.18}$ samples showed some deviation from the expected values from the phase diagram especially at the high temperature range. The phase transitions ${gamma}$longrightarrow$beta$longrightarrow$alpha$ of $U_4$$O_{9}$ were discussed in relation with the phase separation.eparation.ion.
Key words: Anion-excess oxides, Neutron diffraction, $UO_{2+x}$, ${U_4}{O_9}$, Defect structure, Phase diagram
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