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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 38(11); 2001 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2001;38(11): 1015.
용융염내에서의 Ba-ferrite 결정의 생성과정 및 그 자기적 특성
정지형, 김창곤, 윤석영, 신학기1, 김태옥
부산대학교 무기재료공학과
1경남정보대학 식품화공학부
Formation Process of Barium Ferrite Crystallites in Molten Salts and its Magnetic properties
In this study, formation process of Ba-ferrite by using molten salt synthesis and its magnetic properties were investigated. Among starting materials, BaC $O_3$was only soluble in the molten salts, but other starting material such as $delta$-FeOOH or F $e_2$ $O_3$was not soluble even at 105$0^{circ}C$. It implies that the dissolved $Ba^{2+}$ diffused on surfaces of F $e_2$ $O_3$(or $delta$-FeOOH), therefore, Ba-ferrtites were formed through surface reaction. However, the magnetic properties of Ba-ferrite prepared by two starting materials (F $e_2$ $O_3$and $delta$-FeOOH) were not different. On the other hand, compared $delta$-FeOOH with F $e_2$ $O_3$m, morphologies and dispersibility of Ba-ferrites prepared by using $delta$-FeOOH were good and Ba-ferrites were obtaioned at lower temperature.
Key words: Molten salt synthesis, Ba-ferrite, Formation process, $\delta$-FeOOH, Hexaplatelets morphologies
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