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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 38(11); 2001 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2001;38(11): 1060.
PVP 결합제를 이용한 수계용 세라믹테이프의 제조
박일석, 조유정, 이명현, 최세영1, 이득용2, 김대준3
요업기술원 신소재분석평가팀
1연세대학교 재료공학부
2대림대학 재료정보공학과
3한국과학기술연구원 재료연구부
Fabrication of Water-based Ceramic Tapes Using PVP As Binder
Water-based alumina tapes for application of all-ceramic crowns were fabricated using PVP as binder that is biocompatible, highly soluble in solvents, and no residue leftafter firing. Tensile strength of alumina tapes was governed by binder/(binder+plasticizer)ratio. On the other hand, linear shrinkage and density were determined by alumina/(alumina+organic) ratio. Composite for all-ceramic crowns, prepared by infiltration of a glass into sintered porous alumina, showed high flexural strength which increased with increasing sintered density.
Key words: PVP, Water-based tape casting, All-ceramic crown, Glass infiltration
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