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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 38(10); 2001 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2001;38(10): 921.
초음파 조사에 의한 감마 알루미나 분말의 합성 및 특성에 관한 연구
박희찬, 박재현, 김병우, 이상은, 김준호1, 박성수1
부산대학교 무기재료공학과
1부경대학교 화학공학부
A Study for the Synthesis and Characterization of $gamma$-Alumina Powder by Ultrasonic Irradiation
Hee-Chan Park, Jae-Hyun Park, Byoung-Woo Kim, Sang-Eun Lee, Jun-Ho Kim1, Seong-Soo Park1
Department of Inorganic Materials Engineering, Pusan National University
1Division of Chemical Engineering, Pukyung National University
An effect of ultrasonic irradiation for the extraction and synthesis of alumina from kaolin was investigated by comparing ultrasonic irradiation method and conventional method with the same factors as reaction time, reaction temperature, and acid concentration. The ultrasonic irradiation method accelerated alumina extraction in comparison to conventional method at $60{sim}80^{circ}C$ for $1{sim}6;h$ in $1{sim}5;M$ ${H_2}{SO_4}$. The characteristics of precipitates and calcined samples, synthesized under the ultrasonic irradiation method and the conventional method, were determined by the means of DTA/TG, XRD, SEM, PSA, BET, etc. Especially, the calcined sample synthesized under the ultrasonic irradiation method had smaller particle size and larger surface area than that synthesized under the conventional method.
Key words: Ultrasonic, Kaolin, Alumina, Extraction, Calcination
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