Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2001;38(9): 853. |
분산 안정성을 이용한 나노 $Y_{2}O_{3}-CeO_{2}$ 소결체의 제조 |
김은정, 이상훈1, 최성철 |
한양대학교 세라믹공학과 1대한광업진흥공사 기술연구소 |
Fabrication of Nano $Y_{2}O_{3}-CeO_{2}$ Sintered Body Using Dispersion Stability |
Eun-Jung Kim, Sang-Hoon Lee1, Sung-Churl Choi |
Department of Ceramic Engineering, Hanyang University 1Technology & Research Institute of KORES |
The dispersion stability of nano $Y_2O_3-CeO_2$ system was investigated using colloid surface chemistry. Green body of $Y_2O_3$ doped $CeO_2$ was prepared by slip casting in and aqueous system. The dispersion stability of suspension between powders and organic additive was accomplished through electrokinetic behavior of suspension, which was done by ESA apparatus. The dynamic mobility of particles was enhanced when the anionic dispersant of the amount of 1wt% was added. The dissolution of $Y^{3+}$ ion in suspension occurred in the acidic region so that pH value in slurries did not move to below 7.0. In the $CeO_2-Y_2O_3$ system, optimal preparation of suspension was made after adding the anionic dispersant as the amount of 1wt% and pH value of 11.0, and then slip-cast and sintered at 1400$^{circ}$C, 2 hrs. It appeared relative density of >98% and homogeneous distribution of Y element in depth direction as well as in the microstructure of surface. |
Key words:
$Y_{2}O_{3}-CeO_{2}$, SOFC, Solid electrolyte, Dispersion stability, Dynamic mobility |