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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 37(3); 2000 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2000;37(3): 227.
LSM과 YSZ의 분말크기 및 분말크기비가 SOFC의 양극특성에 미치는 영향
김재동, 김구대, 박지애
한국과학기술연구원 세라믹공정센터
The Effect of particle size and ratio of LSM-YSZ powders on SOFC cathod properties
The LSM-YSZ composite electrode as a mixture of LSM and YSZ shows percolation characteristics. It was identified that the polarization resistance of LSM-YSZ composite electrode depend on YSZ connectivity by changing powder size ratio of the DLSM/DYSZ. That is, YSZ in composite electrode showed low electrochemical activity without YSZ connectivity. However, the polarization resistance decreased abruptly with YSZ connectivity due to high electrochemical activity of YSZ in composite electrode. Because the amount of three phase boundary is dependent on LSM and YSZ particle size, the polarization resistance of cathode decreases as LSM and YSZ particle size decreases.
Key words: LSM-YSZ composite electroce, Perocolation, Three phase boundary
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