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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 37(3); 2000 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2000;37(3): 263.
Copper oxide/n-Si 전극의 광전기화학 변환 특성과 안정성에 미치는 Pt 층의 영향
윤기현, 홍석건, 강동헌1
연세대학교 세라믹공학과
1수원대학교 전자재료공학과
Effect of Pt Layers on the Photoelectrochemical Properties and Stability of a Copper Oxide/n-Si Electrode
The Pt/copper oxide/n-Si electrodes were fabricated by depositing copper oxide thin film of 500${AA}$ and very thin Pt layer on the n-type (100) Si substrate. hotoelectrochemical properties and stability profiles of the electrodes were investigated as a function of deposition time of Pt layer. As the deposition time of Pt layer increased up to 10 seconds, the photocurrent and quantum efficiency were increased and then decreased with further depositing time. The better cell stability was observed for the electrode with longer deposition time. The improvements in above photoelectrochemical properties indicate that Pt layer acts as a catalyst layer at electrode/electrolyte interface as well as a protective layer. The decreasing tendency of the photocurrent and efficiency for the electrode with Pt layer deposited above 20 seconds was explained as an increases in probbility of electron-hole pair recombination and also the absorbing photon loss at electrode surface due to the excessive thickness of Pt layer. The results were confirmed by impedance spectroscopy, mutiple cycle voltammograms and microstructural analyses.
Key words: Photoelectrochemical covnersion, Pt/copper oxide/n-Si electrode, Pt catalyst layer, Electrode stability
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