Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2000;37(2): 152. |
$Si_3N_4/SiC$ 초미립복합체의 미세조직에 미치는 SiC 입자크기의 영향 |
이창주, 김득중 |
성균관대학교 재료공학과 |
Effect of SiC Particle Size on Microstructure of $Si_3N_4/SiC$ Nanocomposites |
Si3N4/SiC nanocomposite ceramics containing 5 wt%dispersed SiC particles were prepared by gas-pressure-sintering at 200$0^{circ}C$ under nitrogen atmosphere. SiC particles with average sizes of 0.2 and 0.5${mu}{textrm}{m}$ were used, and the effect of the SiC particle size on the microstructure was investigated. The addition of SiC particles effectively suppressed the growth of the Si3N4 matrix grains. The effect of grain growth inhibition was higher in the nanocomposites dispersed with fine SiC. SiC particles were dispersed uniformly inside Si3N4 matrix grains and on grain boundaries. When the fine SiC particles were added, large fraction of the SiC particles was trapped inside the grains. On the other hand, when the large SiC particles were added, most of the SiC particles were located on grain boundaries. Typically, the fraction of SiC particles located at grain boundaries was higher in the specimen prepared from $beta$-Si3N4 than in the specimen prepared from $alpha$-Si3N4. |
Key words:
$Si_3N_4/SiC$ nanocomposites, Gas pressure sintering, Microstructure, Grain boundary, Grain growth inhibition |