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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 36(9); 1999 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1999;36(9): 937.
입력기체비를 이용한 미세구조 변화로부터 화학증착 탄화규소의 복층구조 제작
오정환, 왕채현, 최두진, 송휴섭1
연세대학교 세라믹공학과
1한국과학기술연구원 세라믹공정센터
Fabrication of CVD SiC Double Layer Structure from the Microstructural Change Through Input Gas Ratio
In an effort to protect a RBSC(reaction -bonded SiC) tube SiC films from methyltrichlorosilane(MTS) by low pressure chemical vapor deposition were deposited in hydrogen atmosphere on the RBSC(reaction-bonded SiC) substrates over a range of input gas ratio(${alpha}$=PH2/PMTS=QH2/QMTS=1 to 10) and deposition temperatures(T=1050-1300$^{circ}C$). At the temper-ature of 1250$^{circ}C$ the growth rate of SiC films increased and then decreased with decreasing the input gas ratio. The microstructure of SiC films was changed from granular type structure exhibiting (111) preferred orientation in the high input gas ratios to faceted columnar grain structure showing (220) in the low input gas ratios. The similar microstructure change was obtained by increasing the deposition temperature. These results were closely related to a change of deposition mechanism. Double layer structure having granular type and faceted ciolumnar grain structure from the manipulation of mechanism. Double layer structure having granular type and faceted columnar grain structure from the manipulation of the input gas ratio without changing the deposition temperatue was successfully fabricated through in -site process
Key words: SiC, Microstructure, Preferred orientation, Double layer structure
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