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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 36(7); 1999 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1999;36(7): 718.
이중분포를 갖는 알루미나 혼합분체의 소결겨동
이정아, 김정주
경북대학교 무기재료공학과
Sintering Behavior of Bimodal Size-Distributed Alumina Powder Mixtures
Densification and grain growth behavior of bimodal size distributed alumina powder mixtures were investigated as a function of amount of coarse alumina powder. The specimens which contained coarse alumina powder for 60to 80wt% showed the highest green density. The amount of shrinkage of sintered specimen lineraly decreased with the increase of coarse alumina powder up to the content that showed the highest green density and then further addition of coarse alumina powder led to drastic decrease of shrinkage of specimen. Especially crack-like void were concurrently revealed in the sintered body with addition of coarse alumina powder above 60wt% When the sintering temperature increased up to 1650$^{circ}C$ the amount of shrinkage of specimen linearly decreased and the grain growth were also retarded with increase of coarse lauminia powder.
Key words: Bimodal alumina powder mixtures, Densifications, Shrinkage, Shrinkage rate, Crack-like void
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