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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 36(4); 1999 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1999;36(4): 366.
VC의 첨가에 따른 Fe-TiC계의 미세조직변화
호서대학교 재료공학과
Effect of VC Addition on the Microstructural Evolution of Fe-TiC Cermet
The effect of VC addition on the microstructural evolution of Fe-TiC cermet has been investigated. The microstructures of the Fe-TiC varied with the amount of VC addition. The addition of 1wt% VC enhanced the instability of liquid-solid interface ; the dissolving interface showed round shape instead of facetted one which was ascribed to the increase of lattice mismatch between TiC and solid-solution carbide. in the speci-men with 10wt% VC the new set of solid-solution carbide grains of uniform and small size was formed in-side coarse TiC particles by diffusion induced recrystallizatin (DIR). With increasing the heat-treatment time fine recrystallized grains were dispersed homogeneously in the matrix and resulted in the increase in fracture strength.
Key words: Instability of solid-liquid interface, Vanadium carbide, Diffusion induced recrystallization (DIR)
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