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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 35(10); 1998 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1998;35(10): 1107.
R.F. 마그네트론 스퍼터링에 의한 제조된 $SrBi_2$$Ta_2$$O_9$ 박막의 C축 배향성장에 미치는 Bi양의 영향
배철휘, 이전국, 이시형1, 정형진
한국과학기술연구원 박막기술연구센터
1한국과학기술연구원 박막기술연구센
The Effect of Bi Content on the C-axis Oriented Growth of $SrBi_2$$Ta_2$$O_9$ Thin Films Fabricateed by R.F. Magnetron Sputtering
We could obtan c-axis oriented $SrBi_2$$Ta_2$$O_9$ thin films on usual Pt(111)/Ti/$SiO_2$/Si(100) substrate using a r. f. magnetron sputtering technique. According to the increase of sputtering pressure from 250 to 300 mTorr the Bi content and degree of the c-a xis preferred orientation of $SrBi_2$$Ta_2$$O_9$ thin films were increased. By controlling Bi(or $Bi_2O_3$) loss from $SrBi_2$$Ta_2$$O_9$ thin films during post annealing and by inserting $Bi_2O_3$ layer in $SrBi_2$$Ta_2$$O_9$ thin films the effect of Bi content on the c-axis oriented growth of $SrBi_2$$Ta_2$$O_9$ thin films could be investigated without the effect of sputtering pressure. The degree of the c-axis preferred orientation of $SrBi_2$$Ta_2$$O_9$ thin films was increased with increasing with increasing Bi content by control of Bi(or $Bi_2O_3$) loss of $SrBi_2$$Ta_2$$O_9$ thin films. But the c-axis oriented growth of $SrBi_2$$Ta_2$$O_9$ thin films disappeared by the inserting of $Bi_2O_3$ lay-er in $SrBi_2$$Ta_2$$O_9$ thin films.
Key words: $SrBi_2$$Ta_2$$O_9$, C-axis oriented growth, Bi content
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