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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 35(9); 1998 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1998;35(9): 958.
유기물 첨가에 따른 다공성 실리카 세라믹스의 제조 및 특성(I)
신진용, 이범재, 노재성
충남대학교 공과대학 정밀공업화학과
Synthesis and Characteristics of Porous Silica Ceramics with Organic Additives(I)
Porous silica ceramics were prepared using DCCA(Drying Control Chemical Additives) Such as uncharged polymer(Polyethylene glycol) and protein (Lipase) under H2O/Low-grade TEOS=10 C2H5OH/Low-grade TEOS=1 HC1/Low=grade TEOS=0.01 After Plain which doesn't added DCCA and samples of 11 sorts which varied molecular weight of PEG(Mw=600, 1000, 2000) quantity of Lipase and concentration of wat-er were synthesized gellation time and thermal analysis were investigated. After heat-treated at 600, cry-stal structures analyses of SiO2 polymer and characteristics of pores were investigated. Gellation time was retarded about 2-6 times as compared with plain resulting in addition of DCCA and crystal structures ex-hibited amorphous state. Moreover as increase of water a short gellation time was obtained. The samples added PEG showed increase of specific surface areas up to 20-40% and had micropores while those of Lipase were decreased about 90% and showed broad pore size distribution.
Key words: DCCA, Polyethlene glycol(PEG), Lipase, Specific surface area, Pore size distribution
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