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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 35(9); 1998 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1998;35(9): 969.
저온도포열분해에 의해 제조된 Pb(Zr, Ti)O$_3$ 박막의 에피탁시와 결정화도에 미치는 전열처리 시간의 영향
황규석, 이형민, 김병훈
전남대학교 공과대학 세라믹공학과
Effect of Prefiring Time on Epitaxy and crystallinity of Pb(Zr, Ti)O$_3$ Thin Films in Low Temperature Pyrolysis
Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 (PZT) (Zr:Ti= 52: 48) thin films were prepared on MgO(100) substrates by dipping-py-rolysis process using metal naphthenates as starting materials. Thin films were fabricated by spin coating technique and the precursor films were prefired at 20$0^{circ}C$ in air for 0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 24 h followed by final heat treatment at 75$0^{circ}C$ for 30min. Film prefired for 24 h lost orientational properties and pole figure analysis showed the lost of the epitaxial relationship between the films and substrate while highly a/c-axis oriented thin films were obtained for the samples prefired for 1, 2, and 3h.
Key words: Pb(Zr, Ti)O$_3$, thin films, MgO(100), Dipping-pyrolysis process, Metal naphthenates
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