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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 35(8); 1998 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1998;35(8): 775.
BaO-Pr$_2$O$_3$-TiO$_2$계 및 BaO-(Nd,Pr)$_2$O$_3$-TiO$_2$계 마이크로파 유전체의 합성 및 특성에 관한 연구
이용석, 이재원, 성학제1, 김준수2, 이병하
명지대학교 무기재료공학과
2주) 동서 세라믹사업부 부설연구소
A Study of the Synthesis and the Properties on Microwave Dielectric Material of BaO-Pr$_2$O$_3$-TiO$_2$ and BaO-(Nd,Pr)$_2$O$_3$-TiO$_2$ System
This experiment is third study concerning BaO-{{{{ { { Pr}_{ 2} O}_{3 } }}-{{{{ { TiO}_{2 } }} (Ln=Sm, Nd, Pr, La..) system which is known to show a high dielectric constant and Q value in microwave dielectric materials. The process of cry-stallization and the microwave dielectric properties of the specimens sintered at 1220-140$0^{circ}C$ for 2 hr was investigated in the BaO-(Na,{{{{ { { Pr})_{2 }O }_{3 } }}-{{{{ { TiO}_{2 } }} as well as BaO-{{{{ { { Pr}_{ 2} O}_{3 } }}-{{{{ { TiO}_{2 } }} system. The single phase BaPr2Ti5O14 and Ba(Nd,{{{{ { { Pr})_{2 }O }_{3 } }}Ti5O14 was finally formed from the Pr2Ti2O7 (Nd, Pr)2Ti2O7 as a secondary phase in the BaO-{{{{ { { Pr}_{ 2} O}_{3 } }}-{{{{ { TiO}_{2 } }} and BaO-(Nd, {{{{ { { Pr})_{2 }O }_{3 } }}-{{{{ { TiO}_{2 } }} system respectively The dielectric constant of the specimens sint-ered at 1280~131$0^{circ}C$ showed the maximum value as 105(BaO-{{{{ { { Pr}_{ 2} O}_{3 } }}-{{{{ { TiO}_{2 } }} system) and 88 (BaO-(Nd,{{{{ { { Pr})_{2 }O }_{3 } }}-{{{{ { TiO}_{2 } }} system) and the Q values of them showed higher value than 1800 which are due to the maximum den-sity. However the dielectric properties of the specimens sintered at higher temperature than 131$0^{circ}C$ were reduced due to the increases of pore which were resulted from the sudden grain growth.
Key words: Microwave Dielectric Materials, Dielectric Constant, Q value, BaO-Pr$_2$O$_3$-TiO$_2$system, BaO-(Nd,Pr)$_2$O$_3$-TiO$_2$ system
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