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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 35(8); 1998 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1998;35(8): 807.
Ti$_3$SiC$_2$의 소성 변형 특성에 미치는 결정립 크기의 효과
Effect if Grain Size on Plasticity of Ti$_3$SiC$_2$
Mechanical properties of two types of polycrystlline {{{{ { { Ti}_{3 }SiC }_{2 } }} with different grain size were investigated. A fine grain {{{{ { { Ti}_{3 }SiC }_{2 } }} has a higher fracture strength and hardness. Plot of strength versus Vickers indentation load indicated that {{{{ { { Ti}_{3 }SiC }_{2 } }} has a high flaw tolerance. Hertzian indentation test using a spherical indenter was used to study elastic and plastic behavior in {{{{ { { Ti}_{3 }SiC }_{2 } }}. Indentation stress-strain curves of each material are made to evaluate the plasticity of {{{{ { { Ti}_{3 }SiC }_{2 } }} Both find and coarse grain {{{{ { { Ti}_{3 }SiC }_{2 } }} showed high plasticity. In-dentation stress-strain curve of coarse grain {{{{ { { Ti}_{3 }SiC }_{2 } }} deviated even more from an ideal elastic limit in-dicating exceptional plasticity in this material. Deformation zones were formed below the contact as well as around the contact area in both materials but the size of deformation zone in coarse grain {{{{ { { Ti}_{3 }SiC }_{2 } }} was much larger than that in fine grain {{{{ { { Ti}_{3 }SiC }_{2 } }} Intragrain slip and kink would account for high plasticity. Plastic behavior of {{{{ { { Ti}_{3 }SiC }_{2 } }} was strongly influenced by grain size.
Key words: Flaw tolerance grain size, Hertzian indentation, plasticity, Ti$_3$SiC$_2$
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