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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 35(7); 1998 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1998;35(7): 659.
2단계 가스압 소결에 의한 질화규소의 치밀화
쌍용중앙연구소 신소재연구실
Densification of $Si_3N_4$ Cera,ocs by Two Step Gas Pressure Sintering
Densification behavior of $Si_3N_4$ ceramics by two step gas pressure sintering was compared with pres-sureless sintering one step gas pressure sintering or hot isostatic pressing. While it was difficult to get the highly interlocked ${beta}-Si_3N_4$ microstructure during the pressureless sintering due to decomposition above $1800^{circ}C$ gas pressure sintering could solve this problem by increasing the densification temperature 2MPa of nitrogen pressure was enough to inhibit the decomposition up to $1890^{circ}C$ and especially two step gas pres-sure sintering applying comparatively low pressure(2MPa) until the closed pore stage and then high pres-sure(10MPa) after pore closure could increase the hardness and the toughness.
Key words: $Si_3N_4$, Gas pressure sintering, Hardness, Toughness
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