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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 35(7); 1998 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1998;35(7): 679.
Ba$_{0.67}$Sr${0.33)2$TiO$_3$ 박편 및 박막의 유전 및 초전 특성
이문희, 조성걸, 이상기
경상대학교 공과대학 전자재료공학과 항공기부품기술연구소
Dielectric and Pyroelectric Properties of $Ba_{0.67}$Sr${0.33)2$TiO$_3$ Thin Plates and Films
Dielectricand pyroelectric properties of {{{{ { { {Ba }_{0.67 }Sr }_{0.33 } }`TiO_{3 } ^{ } }} (BST) thin plates and films were investigated. For BST thin plates maximum dielectric constant and pyrolelectric coefficient were observed at around 24$^{circ}C$ and pyroelectric characteristics were improved as applied bias field was increased. When the electric field of 4kV/cm was applied to the thin plates sintered at 140$0^{circ}C$ the pyroelectric coefficients over 4$times$10-7C/{{{{ { cm}^{2 }K }} were obtained in the range of 0-4$0^{circ}C$ BST thin films deposited using rf magnetron sputtering showed [001] preferred orientation at substrate temperatures above 50$0^{circ}C$ On the contrary to the thin plates the dielectric constants of the thin films gradually increased above 15$^{circ}C$ and decreased as applied bias field in-creased. The pyroelectric coefficients of thin films were lower than 1/10 those of thin plates.
Key words: Barium strontium titanate, Dielectric, Pyroelectric, Thin plate, Rf magnetron sputtering, Thin film
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