Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1998;35(4): 347. |
TiO$_2$첨가에 따른 ITO 세라믹스의 소결 거동 |
정성경, 김봉철, 장세홍1, 김정주 |
경북대학교 무기재료공학과 1전자부품종합기술연구소 |
Sintering Behaviors of ITO Ceramics with Additions of TiO$_2$ |
Densification and grain growth behaviors of ITO ceramics were investigated as a function of TiO2 ad-ditions. TiO2 addition led to inhibition of the grain growth and promotion of the densification of ITO ceram-ics. From the microstructure observation it was found that the crack-like voids which were formed in pure ITO specimens decreased with increase of TiO2 additon. The grain growth exponent(n) was measur-ed to be 4 for pure ITO 3 for TiO2-doped ITO specimens respectively. It was supposed that the grain boun-dary migration of pure ITO ceramics was controlled by the pores which were moved by surface diffusion. On the contrary the grain boundary migration of TiO2-doped ITO specimens was depressed by solute drag effect. The activation energies for grain growth were measured to be 1013 kJ/mol for pure ITO ceramics and 460kJ/mol for TiO2-doped ITO specimens respectively. |
Key words:
ITO ceramics, TiO2-doped, Microstructure, Grain growth exponent(n), Activation energy for grain growth |