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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 35(3); 1998 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1998;35(3): 303.
무가압 침윤법에 의한 $Al_2$O$_.3$/Al 복합재료 제조와 기계적 특성
이동윤, 박상환, 이동복1
한국과학기술연구원 복합기능 세라믹스 연구센터
1성균관대학교 공과대학 금속공학과
Fabrication and Mechanical Property of $Al_2$O$_.3$/Al Composite by Pressureless Infiltration
The fabrication of Al2O3/Al composite by pressureless infiltration was investigated by the change of Mg and Si content in Al alloy infiltration process and infiltration atmosphere. The effect of alloying elements infiltration atmosphere and interfacial reactants between Al alloy matrix and Al2O3 particles were in-vestigated in terms of bendingstrength and harness test,. The fabrication of Al2O3/Al composite by the vestigated in terms of bending strength and hardness test. The fabrication of Al2O3/Al composite by the pressureless infiltration was done in nitrogen atmosphere with Mg in Al alloy. It was successfully fabricated at $700^{circ}C$ according to Mg contents in Al alloy and infiltration condition. Because Mg in the Al alloy and ni-trogen atmosphere of infiltratio condition produced Mg-N compound(Mg3N2) it decreased the wetting an-gle between molten Al alloy and Al2O3 particles by coating on surface of Al2O3 particles. The fracture strength of Al2O3/Al-Mg composite was 800MPa and Al2O3/Al-Si-Mg composite was 400MPa. Si in Al alloy decreased the interfacial strength between Al alloy matrix and Al2O3 particles.
Key words: Pressureless infiltration, Mg-N compound, Interfacial strength
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