융액인상법에 의한 Nd;YAG 단결정 성장시 온도구배의 변화에 따른 결함거동 |
김한태, 배소익, 이상호, 정수진1 |
쌍용중앙연구소 신소재연구실 1서울대학교 재료공학부 |
Effect of Temperature Gradient on the Defects of Nd;YAG Single Crystal Grown by Czochralski Method |
In the Nd;YAG crystal growth by Czochralski method, the relationship between the core formation and the solid-liquid interface was observed by controlling the temperature gradient in the furnace. When the crystal was grown along<111> direction, defects and core area were reduced as the temperature gradient increased. The optimum temperature gradient was found to be higher than 4$0^{circ}C$/cm. The Nd3+ concentration analysis by ICP-Mass showed that the segregation coefficient was about 20% higher in the core region than core-free region, where the segregation coefficients of core region and core-free region were 0.22 and 0.18, respectively. |
Key words:
Nd, YAG, Czochralski, Temperature gradient, Defect, Core, Segregation coefficient |