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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 34(1); 1997 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1997;34(1): 95.
무가압 분말 충전 성형법에 의한 알루미늄 성형체의 산화반응 소결체 제조에 대한 연구
박정현, 홍기의, 염강섭, 유재영
연세대학교 세라믹공학과
Study on Oxidation-Reaction Bonding of Aluminum Compact by Pressureless Powder Packing Method
Using aluminum powder with average particle size of 22.1 $mu$m, aluminum compact made by Pressureless Powder Packing Method showed 52% green density. The activation energy of aluminum oxidation was cal-culated from the weight change of TG, and it was varied in the range of 16~64 kJ/mol. It was found from the variation of the activation energy and the observation of the microstructure that oxidation was de-pendent on the destruction of oxide film and the melt-out of aluminum. Aluminum compact was reaction-bonded at 1000~140$0^{circ}C$ for 4~60hrs, and oxidation was dependent on temperature rather than time. Reac-tion-bonded aluminum oxide at 140$0^{circ}C$ for 60hrs showed 92% oxidation percent. It was sintered at 1$600^{circ}C$ for 15hrs and the sintered body showed 62% relative density.
Key words: Pressureless powder packing method, Reaction bonding, Melt-out, Oxidation, Activation energy
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