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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 34(1); 1997 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1997;34(1): 1.
가정용 전자렌지를 사용한 천연규석분말과 Al분말 성형체로부터 사이알론상 합성에 관한 연구
요업기술원 정밀요업과
The Sialon Synthesis from Natural Silica and Al Powder Mixture by Using Home-style Microwave Oven
In home-style microwave oven, silica-Al powder mixture was ignited among pellets and combustion wave-front propagated to produce Si+AIN+Al2O3 as resultant phases under N2 atmosphere. Without cooling pro-cedure the resultant phases of Si+AIN+Al2O3 continously absorbed microwave and were heated to be syn-thesized into sialon phases. This synthesis rate of sialon phases from silica-Al powder mixture in home-style microwave oven was higher than that in conventional furnace, and total processing time was around 1 hour, which could save energy and cost.
Key words: Microwave, SHS, Sialon, Synthesis
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