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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 33(9); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1996;33(9): 961.
자전고온 반응 합성법에 의한 AlN 분말의 제조 I.AlN 분말의 제조
신재선, 안도환, 김석윤, 김용석
홍익대학교 금속재료공학과
Fabrication of AlN Powder by Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis I. Synthesis of AlN Powder
The aluminum nitride was synthesized by the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis(SHS). The synthe-sis was used aluminum powder mixed with AlN powder as reactant and the control factors affected to synthesis were considered compact density pressure of reaction gas AlN diluent content and aluminum powder size. The SHS reaction conducted with a reactant containing 50% AlN diluent under 0.8MPa nitrogen gas pressure yielded a complete conversion of aluminum powder to AlN powders. The size and purity of AlN produced were found to be comparable with that of AlN produced by the carbothermal nitrogen method.
Key words: SHS, AlN, Aluminum, Compact density, Nitrogen pressure, Diluent, Catalyst
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